Saturday, November 10, 2007

Good Morning

wow, got a Huge letter from mom this morning was very interesting and I enjoyed some of the things she had to say really gave me some strengh to start a new day...

I hear that once a person stops they tend to eat more, then they also have to diet- I am not quiet ready but once I do get ready I will need some extra prayers! This is a 35 year old habit-----but as with you, if we set our minds to it-we can move a mountain-with a lot of help from above and each other- I love you Jennifer, I know I don't say that not near as much as I need to but always know that you are my life and I love you with all of my heart.

See why I love her :) anyway the morning so far is fine although it is earily yet and he is still in bed, I hope to go walking to today and enjoy this beautiful Saturday..We will see...

1 comment:

Colette said...

awwww thats a beautiful email. I wish my mom would tell me stuff like that. Oh well, her loss.

Glad you got such a nice letter from your mom