Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Some Great reading this AM

Well its been a great morning I assume, I got up and walked in my living room and stoof there looking around..its looks great, I am excited to get some kind of change in it...The new couch is very comfortable and nice looking all the way around...I did get up a lil late this am and traffic was just terrible...Once I got to work ( 10 minutes late ) I was starvinggg I mean really hungry, I assume because I did not take my meds. So I gave in to my hunger haha, I went to the dinning rooma and grabed an englisg Mcmuffin with egg and cheese..I know not the healthiest thing I could have done.. BUT, I feel ok about it, I will just be careful the rest of the day, I feel like I ate a whole pizza or something...I have been doing some work but inbetwwen work I read this GREAT article..ad of course I will share with you..

Are You Losing At Least One Pound Per Week?
By Ian Robertson, Managing Editor PhenForum Daily and the Weight Loss Club
Are you losing at least one pound per week? If diet and exercise are made priorities then it should be completely feasible to lose at least a pound per week.
It needs to be understood that a pound of bodyfat contains roughly 3500 calories and if one removes 500 excess calories a day then at least one pound will be lost until a goal weight is achieved. This doesn’t take regular exercise into consideration which means more weight can be lost.
As far as the diet is concerned, make sure you remove those 500 calories from superfluous food sources such as sodas which can be replaced with water or unsweetened tea. That’s easily 120-150 calories depending on the soda.
Instead of fries or chips, go with steamed vegetables instead. Vegetables and fruit are recommended for two reasons: Not only do they have fewer calories due to the water content but they contain considerably more vitamins and minerals than the unnecessary junk. The diet facet is certainly more challenging than exercise in terms of fighting off the calories.
While for most, exercise is the easier of the two, it is still a motivational challenge at times. Some days we are too busy, while other days simply leave us too tired. And while easier said than done, try not to fall into a rut like that.
One of the best aspects of exercise is that it can serve as one-stop shopping in terms of calorie reduction. For instance, an hour of jogging burns up to 900 calories! However, remember to use weights as well because building muscle is what boosts the metabolism in the long-term. Alone, an hour’s worth of weight training will burn 500 calories but the metabolic boost you get is unique only to resistance training.
Of course, one needs to remember to not only eat a nutritious protein and carbohydrate snack an hour after exercising but to eat enough calories throughout the day. Many, think starvation will lead to fat loss when exactly the opposite is true. The body must break down its own muscle tissue in an effort to maintain one’s metabolism since not enough calories are being eaten. When calories are lacking, body fat is hoarded and metabolisms are slowed down in order to conserve energy due to the fight-or-flight response.
Once a solid diet and exercise program has been established, removing 500 calories a day will become the healthy sidenote to an overall healthy lifestyle.

I put in yellow the thing that relates to me the most & Believe me thats me...Not that I am starving but, I have always felt I am eating WAY to much even when I eat a small amount....and thats not always true according to this article. I have also been taking "Fiber Choice" I am not sure that I need that much fiber BuT, I figured it couldn't hurt. Anyway, Things have been pretty ok so far but its earily yet...


Naturally Blessed said...

glad i ran across your article. i ran late this morning so i have nothing with me at work today...no snacks, no lunch. just me myself and my empty stomach.

i've been snack ing on popcorn which i had in my desk and i was considering my lunch options. i'm going to drive over to the subshop and get a sub on wheat. that makes more sense than a value meal from a fast food joint.



Colette said...


Your doing great Jennifer. I like how your searching and learning! It will help you alot in the future because you will be able to "back it up" in your head and not feel so much uncertain about how you are handling your diet.

They just brought a huge lunch of bar-b-q with baked beans and mac and cheese. I have some lean cuisine in the freezer but I think I will go get a salad at McDonalds so I don't have to see the bar-b-q and smell it!!

Have a great day