Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I was tagged, answering questions

4 Dishes I like to cook and eat
1. Mac & Cheese bake
2. Bananna Pudding
3. Grilled Chicken
4 Turkey
Four qualities I love in people
1. HONESTY is #1
2. Outgoing
3. Shows Respect (To both themselves & others )
4. Caring Heart
Four Places I have been.
1. Massachusetts
2. Florida
3. Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Georgia
Four Things in My Bedroom
1. Tv
2. Dogs bed
3. Fan
4. Clock
Four dirty words I use
1. Sh*&
2. Da&^
3. He*$
4. A#@
Four Objects I will never part with
1. My Pictures
2. My Grandmothers quilt
3. Letters from my dad
3. all my certificates and awards

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