Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not Sure but, Depressed maybe??/

OK I feel like I have not wrote in forever, Yesterday I left work Early because I had an appointment, After the appointment I ate dinner which was Green beans, 1 Chicken skewer, 1 slice of fresh orange, Once I got home I ended up going to walmart to buy dog food, wow what a visit to walmart..I was walking down the Christmas isle and almost cried, I can remember last year all the candy that I loved, I love white choc & peppermint, and white choc and dark Hersey's, and wow..I could name at least 25 that I was crazy about..I litterly almost cried thinking about how hard it will be to resist the temptation of those type things...I re famed from buying any but did buy a sheet of mints ( 130 calories for 6 of them ) That helped some..I was a lil down, I am not sure if it was because of the rain or just life..not really sure but, after I got home, I sat and worked on my coupons...I think I have a coupon for everything on my cooking list for Thanksgiving..and about8:30 I was like, I am rating something...I ate a cup of Curve Cereal and Soy Milk, and went to bed around 10pm, It was storming like crazy and I missed the computer but was scared to turn it on...

This Am ( Its 12:29pm now ) I came in and just feel kind of weird...I don't wanna talk and I don't want anyone to talk to me so I done the best thing..I Put My Ipod on and have had it on ALL morning and still have it one..I know this is a Mood swing because when I woke up I felt fine...For Breakfast I ate a Fiber 1 Bar and ate two "Fiber Choice" pills... I also snacked on three Mini rice cakes throughout the morning...

Michael has surprising acted pretty normal for the most part, we haven't really talked, That's probably why we have got along..That seems to do the trick..Like I said I have felt a lil weird, kind of depressed in a way...I have tried to pull myself out of it, This is the first time since I have been on my meds that I have felt like this, I am not sure if it has anything to do with it or not. It is possible but, I seriously doubt it..

I chatted with Mom last night which was nice, we talked for about an hour...she has been working and stays busy most of the time. well I guess I will see whats for lunch and see if I want to eat that or a meal bar

BTW, I have been thinking of joining weight watchers so I can attend the meetings, I found out they have them here in Knoxville, I think that's a positive way to keep me motivated through the Holiday...


Chubby Chick said...

Hi, Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to "meet" you! :)

I've been reading through your blog... and I just want you to know that I'll be checking in on you A LOT! Losing weight is so hard... and the emotional struggles don't make it any easier. So I just want to offer my support and encouragement!

I love the idea about putting Exlax or something in your hubby's brownies. hehe And your brother-in-law is a hottie! hehe

Good luck with your weight loss! :)

PS: You and your mom are really pretty! :)

Naturally Blessed said...

i'm trying to figure out how to maneuver these holidays myself. if i had a person in real life right here with me, i think it would help me.

i am going to have to buckle down and be strong. i have come so far...and you can too....i'm not gonna lie out of my mouth and tell you it will get easier...or even better. you'll go thru periods where its great and then you'll fall down a chocolate mineshaft....but just remember thats not the end. dust yourself off.

...dont know why i got all emotional speechy, lol....

Fiber Coated Blessings!