Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Down 7 Pounds!!!

Hello, wow I am really behind on my journal, I am usually so good about these things but as you see I am slacking...I have had so much going on BUT In the middle of it all..I went to the Dr and I am down 7 more pounds!!! wow I am soo excited..for those of you that aren't keeping up...I have lost a total of 23 sticks of butter so far! Wow I am just amazed and very proud of myself for this! I mean I never thought I had the will power to do it but, I am! And I will continue to keep on until I reach my goal weight, no matter who trys to stop it...I went to our office party at my bosses house and wow, It was great fun...we done Gag gifts and played "dirty" santa..Its funny I hate ELVIS and ended up with some elvis playing cards and a dart thing where you throw pigs lol it was soo funny..I have some pictures to share of course..Ok This was the food and YES I did eat everything that was there even chips BUT REMEMBER..its christmas :) This is me & a Co worker, Heather. I think I look so huge in this picture! I mean just HUGEEEEEE ok I am over that now lol but, I do feel like I look huge..Lord shes preggy and I look bigger then her!!!
Ok Now for other news, I went on my was kind of and anniversary thingy..Ok I have some pictures of me ...I LOVEEEE Christmas and believe it or not this was a great time..We went to the lodge...Ice skating and playing in the I love the lodge!!!! OK OK I will get to the pictures OKOK This is ME In the snow!!! Yeahh I Loved it loved it loved it! OK NOWWW I look skinny!!!!!and I just had to turn a lil sideways so you could see I lost weight :) I told you I was having a blast!!!! I sure feel it today too, I am sooo sick and sore and MISERABLE!!!!! I took a hand full of meds to turn to come to work and maintain! Now as for how things went with my husband and I, well Ok after I returned..He decided I should be doing something with him..hummm ok whatever anyway so we went ice skating in Gatlinburg and looked at lights..of course I didn't get a gift, not even a card But hey...I would have more surprised if he got one ya know...I just tired to have a good day off...We did take a picture togather and I think I look sooo different in it... I just kept staring at it...couldn't believe my face looked so small or something know I have to share that one....I got a e-mail from my blog the other day from a girl named michelle, I was like wow how nice it was to know someone read and it touched them enough to write was a wonderful feeling Ok I gotta run...But I am here :)

1 comment:

Ro said...

Congrats on the 7lbs...Way to go!!!

I hope your holiday is wonderful!