Supercharge Your Weight Loss By
ating More Food!By Ian Robertson, Managing Editor PhenForum Daily and the Weight Loss Club
Are you eating enough calories on a daily basis???
While many people are eating too much, many are actually eating too few calories. The fact is, our bodies have a minimum energy requirement that does no more than maintain one’s vital functions while at rest.This is called one’s basal metabolic rate.
If you regularly restrict calories then your body establishes a new, lower, metabolic set point. This essentially determines how fast your metabolism is.
By lowering your metabolic set point, you store fat more easily since your body can no longer burn excess calories as well as it once could. Other than allowing for a slower metabolism, here are some more serious side effects that can accompany restrictive diets:
kidney damage
liver damage
muscle loss
While the kidneys and liver ordinarily serve as complex processing plants, their normal functions can be compromised due to the muscle and organ tissue that has to be broken down just to maintain the basal metabolic rate.
This puts undue stress on the kidneys and liver which when left unchecked could lead to unbalanced pH levels in the blood. The broken down tissue comes as a result of the body’s lack of blood sugar that comes from a proper, healthier diet and can become fatal if the restrictive diet is prolonged and extreme enough in its restrictions.
If you are curious as what a healthy caloric requirement would be, then use the calculator provided on the West Virginia Dietetic Association’s website (
Ok So, I Read this article & Wow, Ok soo I don't get enough calories, on some days and the days I do I splurge a bit to get them... I am not doing well at all, its hard to explain what I am feeling..I guess you go through a stage where your like " ok I am losing now what do I do different" I am extremly worried about what I am doing wrong, Last night I done something I have NEVER done just because I am becoming sooo scared of gaining...Ok its like this for a MONTH straight I have ate VERY healthy with the exception of Thanksgiving day and I had to many calories, anyway and things with NO taste are not pleasing to me and that make me not want to eat which in turn makes me eat fewer calories then I am supppose to. anyway, I am starting FRESH today ; as of today I am going to make myself eat even if I feel like I am not hungry..My food journal has to stay updated or else I can't do this so this AM I ate an apple, For lunch, which is now lol I am eating Stemed Broc, Callif & Carrots, A piece of grilled chicken and a Thats Meat, veggies, fruit & Water... I am eating throught the day.
Well last night something happened and I guess I need to confess, Ok in defense I have had so much going home that I have not been getting home until late like really I go to work get off at 5 and then off to class until 10 and still had to drive to my mother in laws - so through all that, I forgot to eat - NORMALLY I would have (since I have been on my diet) just go to bed since it was so late but LAST NIGHT...I stopped and ate an ARBYS! OMG I felt sooo weird about it that I went straight home and took a laxative!!! ( I told you I have never done that before)...I think I am becoming obessed with the whole weight thing, I am not sure how I feel I just know I never wanna be that weight again! Anyway its a new day I have done great today and eating was a lil better soo thats a plus.
I did spend the morning chatting with my co worker, which took a load off my mind, I have always heard if your stress out and need release tell it to someone who doesn't care about the situation, It not only gets it off your mind it helps the healing process...Have a great day!