Saturday, April 4, 2009

Who Knew..

who ever said being a manager was easy LIED, and I am just not sure its worth it after today, it was suppose to be my day off however, I found out today that well...sometimes thats just not possible who knew? My god...anyway Michael and I got up this am and had a pretty good morning until I stopped by the office to see how the new girl was getting along..well the office was CRAZY! I had to litterly stop my day to go in and help her..Michael was PISSED and of course resorted to calling me names and yelling at me how I am such a bitch. I mean really ALL I done was show how to take control of the office. I never thought that was a bad thing but obviously for him, he don't understand..Maybe because he has never had that type of job but for me, I take it VERY serious! The fact that michael talk to me the way he did hurt, in a bad way...but everytime he does it my wall goes back up and I get tired of letting it down only for him to build it back up. Its frustrating when I try to hard. Anyway, I told him I was sorry and hugged him, and he grabbed me back and hugged me with a very serous hug and said he was sorry to. I just wish he could understand that saying "I'm sorry" cant always be the answer...sometimes he needs to use a little self control.
anyway..on a diff note..I get the new DSi tonight at midnight and I am headed to the midnight part. I am pretty darn excited. I am such a kid when it comes to stuff like games. of course he is laying here asleep..go figger! LAZYYY....

Guess I will surf the web until time to leave

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey Jennifer!! Sorry you had a rough day. I will say one thing, you should NEVER say I'm sorry when he acts like that towards you. You did not do anything to warrant that type of behavior and by apologizing you are basically telling him it's ok to do it again at a later time. I hope that isn't too harsh. I have been where you are and it took me a LONG time to understand that I was not doing anything to deserve the verbal and physical abuse that he was handing to me on a daily basis. Take care and talk to you soon.