Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wow, its been a while

Sure has been a while since I have wrote on this journal, journaling has always helped me, I can not believe that I was this into living a healthy life, yet I gave it up and now I am back at 220! its nuts.. So much has happened and so much going on that its hard t think about all the wight I have gained. I guess food addiction is harder to treat then I thought. Between working two jobs in management, My home life ( which has changed drastically since I last posted ) My animals & a Mother in law on life support I can barely think much less watch calories & work out. I stay so tired and at times just wanna close my eyes and pretend I am someone else. I have however decided to accept that I have a metal illness and have the medications that I need to maintain a normal life. Guess I will write later I am at work and don't wanna get into trouble...

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