wow, Its so hard to believe that Its september and I am writing..so much has happened and I came so far then somewhere along the way I lost my way again..It seems to happen that way. I am amazed at how fast situation come and go in my life. I look back and realize the things that mattered most then just seem to disappear and I have new things that have my attention. One thing I done was lost focus..I forgot who I was fighting for, me! as much as I wish I could say things are better..well I cant because that would be a lie..I did however loose weight, not near what I want to lose but I lost some...It dont feel like it because I would look at myself in disbelief..I was hugeee but..I was taking some pictures just the other day and wow..I really dont look that bad But, I'm in no way healthy so I am back on the good ole diet...wow been here..Its much harder now because I am not working and the stress level is up but I done it before I Know I can do it again...its just a matter of believing in myself..Hopefully I will get my journal updated...I now have my computer back at home which will make it much easier...
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